English language teachers’ associations have access to a wide variety of materials through the U.S. Embassy’s English Language Office, http://moscow.usembassy.gov/elo-resources-russia.html. Materials are regularly distributed at professional development events and to associations that have physical spaces for displaying books that are accessible to members.
Materials include U.S. government-produced ELT and American studies books, cassettes, maps, videos and CDs.
Members of Associations in Russia have also played active roles in a number of materials development projects, including the DVD American Potpourri, the American Studies Textbook Series, and the Access program’s Lessons in Kindness: Accessing English through Students’ Stories.
ELO’s flagship publication, the quarterly English Teaching Forum, is written for teachers around the world, by teachers around the world. Teachers’ Associations are regularly sent the most recent edition of Forum for their professional development events and for distribution among its membership. To access past issues of Forum, please go to:
http://exchanges.state.gov/englishteaching/forum/archives.html. If you are interested in contributing to Forum as an author, please go to
Teachers’ Associations are also encouraged to use the network of American Corners around Russia. Each Corner has hundreds of ELT resources that can be checked out for use in the classroom. In some cities, Corners also serve as meeting places for the Associations. For more information on Corners, please go to http://www.amcorners.ru/.